Environmental Advocacy & Support

At the heart of KINdom lies our passion to protect the planet & its people. Throughout each year, we collaborate & campaign with environmental organizations to support their causes, and use established sustainable goals to guide our business model & practices.


2017: A plan of sustainable action called Agenda 21 was initially conceptualized at the Earth Summit in Brazil on June 2992, which led to the development of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in September 2000. Fast-forward to December 2015, the United Nations evolved and established it as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). To date, KINdom fulfills up to 15 out of the 17 UN SDGs. Read about them here.


2017: When KINdom was established in 2017, our small business aimed to follow the goals of The Paris Agreement, a legally-binding international treaty on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris, on 12 December 2015 and entered into force on 4 November 2016. The 3 main goals are:

1. Limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C (37.4°F). - See below.

2. Every 5 years, review countries' commitments to cutting emissions. - Every year, KINdom reflects on what we can do better to cut emissions. In 2019, we decided to stop producing overseas and halt using reclaimed fabrics by using only what we have left, and focus moron upcycling and working with indigenous textiles. A review every 5 years is not enough!

3. Provide climate finance to developing countries. - While KINdom doesn't have the kind of financial resources to finance other countries, we do work with indigenous communities from other countries to help them continue their sustainable practices & traditions, and mitigate actions that contribute to climate change.


April 2022: For Al Gore's non-profit organization Climate Reality Project (CRP), we worked with their LA chapter on participating at the Fibershed educational pop-up, where we both created awareness & educated attendees on living sustainably & what to look for in a sustainable wardrobe.

June 2022: We had the honor to also produce logo-printed recycled cotton t-shirts for their members.

CCL & H.R. 2307

April 2021: Because we need more than the UN Sustainable Development Goals to push legislation for a more sustainable fashion industry, KINdom stood together with Citizen's Climate Lobby (CCL) and endorsed the Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307).


April 2021: KINdom endorsed the Fashion Industry Climate Declaration along with Business Climate Leaders (BCL) and the Fashion Industry Action Team (FIAT).


April 2020: In honor of Earth Day 2020, KINdom sponsored North East Trees' tree-planting community improvement involving disadvantaged & at-promise youth who worked on the project.

December 2020: For Giving Tuesday, KINdom donated some proceeds from sales to North East Trees.

November-December 2021: For Giving Tuesday & World Soil Day, KINdom donated some proceeds from sales to North East Trees.


January-February 2020: Brushfires in Australia, which started in 2019, ravaged out-of-control. KINdom donated some proceeds from sales to Wires Wildlife Rescue to help rescue & care for the sick, injured and orphaned animals who were affected.


August-September 2019: An unprecedented 80,000 wildfires raged in the Amazon Rainforest in 2019, destroying everything along the way & displacing indigenous peoples. KINdom donated some proceeds from sales to the Rainforest Alliance.


June 2019 & May 2020: Over $10,000.00 worth of sustainable organic cotton/recycled polyester (rPET) t-shirts printed with water base ink was donated to Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii for their various beach clean-up events throughout the years.


July 2018: Created a social event & pop-up to educate consumers on the importance of sustainability and highlight KINdom’s sustainable strategies as a brand especially in relation to our planet's water systems.